Summary of this course:
AED & Specialised Resuscitation Equipment training takes place at your practice and DD’s qualified instructors will give the practice team ‘on-site’ training on the use of an Automated External Defibrillator & Specialised Resuscitation equipment recommended by the UK Resuscitation Council.
Course content:
- In-house practice specific training.
- Group discussions covering theoretical topics such as causes of cardiac arrest, survival factors, statistics and how defibrillators work in order to save lines.
- The safe use of an AED on both adult and children.
- Basic AED daily maintenance procedures.
- Hands on review and practical usage of specialised resuscitation equipment including, oxygen administration during CPR, bag valve mask resuscitators, oro-pharyngeal airways and portable emergency suction devices.
- Multiple hands on practical cardiac arrest simulations, utilising the AED and all of the specialised resuscitation equipment.
- DD trainer audit and recommendations as per UK Resuscitation Council and BNF Guidelines.
- Practice team emergency response, action taken and transfer of care to emergency services.
- Practice discussion to develop a bespoke emergency practice protocol/procedure.
- Recorded and documented competence assessments, audit and protocol in line with UK Resuscitation Council Guidelines.